Does anyone have a good character sheet they use for making a character? I've been trying to find something I can print out and bring for my character since I got some more build points but I'm not having much luck.
I know Steve has been working on the database. I tried to find some online forms for you, but the easiest thing right now would just be excel. That's what I did for the new player I'm bringing.
I'm sure as the new DB and rules shore up it will get more sophisticated. But for now, I'd go the quick and dirty route.
@jewell101 Okay, I'll just type it into Excel and print. Should be easy enough for as few build points as I have.
So, I used Google Docs and typed out my character sheet from the Nero World DB and used the NERO WORLD rule book to spend out my build. There are some minor differences in the build expenditures in the DB compared to the Rule Book so I would double check with Steve and Adam for final decisions. Not to mention, they will look over sheets at check in.