Hello fellow Alchemists, this is Edwin. I thought since we do have access to new herbs and alchemical items to try it would help to advance the cause of Science if we shared our research somewhere where we could all find it. I thought I could start with what I discovered about the new herb that we found last time.
Raspberry Smelling Herb
- Smells of raspberries
- When tasted raw causes the thought of old memories to return
- Water being added doesn't do anything
- Burning doesn't seem to do anything, but I felt like something happened than I just can't remember
- Mixed with Vial of Glowing Liquid (Spirt 1). When a single drop of the liquid was placed on my tongue I felt more in-tune with myself, closer to my memories.
- Maybe could be used to create a potion to return memories at higher concentrations, or potentially using a stronger ingredient connected to the spirit?
- Mixed with Vial of Glowing Liquid (Void), but I did this near the spirit liquid and it created a a 3ft radius sphere that cause the table and sections of the alchemy lab to turn into ash (I did collect the ash just in case it might have a use)
Can any else thing of something we might try to see what it might do? Feel free to contact me with any ideas and we can try them the next time we meet.
I may not be an alchemist, but that last effect sounds like it could be pretty useful if we could devise a throwing weapon with it. Maybe a vial with two compartments that mixes them when it hits the ground? Could help us turn the tide against some of the Blood Queen's more powerful soldiers.
@jormund It is possible, I thought about it myself. The only thing I am worried about is that it happened without them mixing as far as I could tell. Simply being near each other seemed to be enough. And I have to admit, I may walk around with dangerous things in my bag as a matter of course, but something that can reduce me to ash that close to my body worries me.
Hey, Edwin, this is Mareyna. Sound like this herb enhances memories, so maybe is best used delicately. We could try it in a salve for slow absorption through skin over long time. Raspberry smell maybe means is from rose family. What does it look like?
This is so interesting. Thank you for share
Edwin and Mareyna,
While I do not have your skills as alchemists, I thought it worth sharing that I was once able to bake a special pie that, when served to someone, gave them peace and rest if they had been through a particularly horrifying event. It did not perform as a charm would and the person kept all memory and thought. It simply soothed them during difficult times. For example, I used the recipe once to help calm a young mother who had lost her child so that she could at least get some necessary sleep. Perhaps these herbs you've found could be used in the same manner?
Let me know if I can assist you in any way,
Lady Kaeleigh
@phrysia Mareyna the leaves are dried and of a olive green coloration. There are some small woody stems mixed in with the dried leaves, leading me to believe that the plant they originally came from might be a vine of some kind. We have only tried ingestion with the herb so far but some sort of skin contact might work well connected to rest or meditation. It made me feel in tune with myself so it might help with reach old memories when relaxed.
@dawn Lady Kaeleigh it might be possible to use it in some sort of food or drink. The herb is very aromatic, meaning it might make a good tea, or even work quite well on some sort of white meat like pork. I'm not sure we have enough at the moment for any sort of cooking use though. I've talked to Darbin (Spelling? The trader that came by last gather.) and I'm trying to find some alchemical tomes that might help us learn a bit more about it, we could also potentially look at getting more for some experiments in cooking. I believe that Maelock found a library as well somewhat recently so there might be something there.
Well my fellow alchemists, we didn't get a chance to do much experimentation with some of the new herbs and flowers of the world, but we did get a few openings that may be helpful in our next meeting. I managed to talk to Darbin and he knows of a herbalist that may manage to give us more information, or maybe an easy way to have access to the herbs. Echo also will have a meeting with a master Alchemist which may allow us to have some more options as well. Pogue has also unlocked some secrets that may eventually lead to breaking the Scavengers from their brainwashing by the slavers.
Welcome fellow alchemists, we have done some more research at our last meet. First, we have found the Father of Magic's library, this contains plenty of books which include some that can show us where to find trainers to teach us new alchemical ideas and recipes. I'm not sure what will happen with that, but in particular I am trying to find out more information about using alchemical items to help with healing. We shall have to see how that works, but I am hoping that I might find some recipes that will allow me to provide more support.
As for actual alchemical research I finally managed to do some more work with the explosive traps that we found quite a while ago. Me and Pogue managed to extract the gas from the trap and move the gas to a glass vial. The glass vial did explode when it was thrown. Unfortunately it is a bit of a dangerous process, and at the moment the vials can't hold the gases for a long period of time because the corks at the top of the vials are permeable. Moving the a rubber stopper should fix this so we will have to see what we can attempt this at the next gather.
Harm Undead 15
-Cure Light Wounds Potion
-Elegant Ivy (Leaf)
-Small Amount of Water
To create potion:
- Crush leaf into a paste using mortar and pestle until homogenous throughout
- Mix leaf with water and elixir and stir until combined
Golden Weapon Coating (Good versus spirits, worked on plant creatures as well)
-Pumpkin Skin from magical pumpkin (head of undead creature defeated in battle)
-Grave Dirt
To create coating:
- Crush Pumpkin Skin in mortar and pestle until reduced to a paste
- Crush gold into a fine powder
- Mix both gold dust and grave dirt in equal measures to the paste from the pumpkin skin
Note: Damage is directly connected to how much gold is added into the mixture (1 gold provides +1 damage, 2 gold provides +2 damage, etc.), however it is inversely proportional to the time the coating lasts for. We only tested two options but 3 gold used lasts for 2 hours while 5 gold used lasts for only 20 min.
Warning materials must be increased in concentrations in order to match the gold added.
Golden Spirit Gas (Good versus Spirits: maybe only spirits?)
-Bone fragments (found from a long buried skeleton)
-Grave Moss
To create gas:
- Crush bone fragments into powder
- Crush gold into Powder
- Boil Grave Moss in water and then distill the resultant solution
- Mix bone dust, gold powder, and the essence of grave moss
- Keep on heat and capture the vapors to make Golden Spirit Gas
Note: Damage is directly connected to how much gold is used. This seems to be in a 4-1 ratio. So 1 gold provides a gas that does 4 damage, 2 gold provides a gas that does 8 damage and so forth.
Warning materials must be increased in concentrations in order to match the gold added.