
Large Council and S...
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Large Council and Small Council

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Good evening everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to talk about the Large Council and Small Council. Previously when such groups are established a couple of voices end up talking louder than others, especially when the representatives are a member of each group. This is a natural occurrence amongst sentient races but its my personal opinion to try and limit this as much as possible. Not everyone is a part of a larger group.

To that end I would like to propose the Large Council be held as an open forum amongst the town. Everyone be on equal footing and decisions are made as a concensus in front of everyone. We have always been a communicative group compared to many other but in these new lands we have a chance to truly shatter all walls between groups in matters concerning the town and continuing to build the camaraderie that has set our town apart from any other.

Please feel free to provide any insights, disagreements or anything of that sort.


Thank you,

Tharomar Daimos Marlowe Varik

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Daimos and All

I believe with the population growth of this impending gather and what I hope represents days to come, I fear that obtaining consensus among the masses may be a tall order.  I have always been one to seek guidance from as many wise participants as possible, but I believe the notion of having representatives is reasonable simply to avoid the amount of discourse that is required to move things forward.  Granted I belong to no group and am thus on an island.  Perhaps I leave my fate in the hands of bureaucrats, but I'll count on our Queen to validate and approve those people that would represent us.  

Your point is valid, but I think the input and discourse should occur within the groups and circulate up. Perhaps broader votes might be required for more serious matters.  But as much as I prefer democracy, I also want us to be able to operate expediently.  But let us see how it plays out.  I trust that the Queen and Sir Bart will adjust things should fine-tuning be required.


Feylin Marell




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Many people have no interest in discourse, or in large drawn out meetings. I am not saying make attendance mandatory, merely not to lock the door to others. Some will likely waive their attendance in lieu of more entertaining things. The option, however, could still be there.

The Small Council, once elected, could serve as mediators and keep the meeting on track or even serve as liaisons for others who are attending to something else at the time.


Thank you for your response.


P.S. I have chosen the name Tharomar in recent years, and feels that it fits me more appropriately


Tharomar Daimos Marlowe Varik

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I agree with your wisdom.  I did not imply to exclude people, but rather not to conduct long and drawn-out sessions.  I'm all for involving all interested parties.

Safe travels


